Ceiling for change: A fundraiser for Maindee

We need £6,000 for a fit-for-purpose hall ceiling at Community House, Eton Road. 

The 70-year-old hall hosts regular and one-off community activities across generations, faiths, cultures,7 days a week, “building stronger, caring community together.”

There is no other community hall in the area, so no-where else for people to meet and/or play sports … but ...  

• The ancient, high ceiling is damaged and loses heat.

• The fabric advised for a new purpose-built ceiling will greatly improve acoustics AND be resilient for sports to take place.

• We have been given a one-off, special charity-rate, environmentally-friendly quotation to replace the ceiling.

• The local Maindee community has been disproportionately affected by the pandemic - many losing loved ones. Coming into a bright, refurbished hall will lift the spirits of all who enter – for many Community House is their second home - a haven against loneliness.

Community House has lost its main source of income (room hire) over the past 12 months, so cannot undertake this vital refurbishment without help. We have won enough for the deposit from our peers in a competitive funding bid, so the work has started!  

Please give what you can now to turn our old community hall into a multi-purpose hall fit for activities for all ages!  You can …

Use Paypal through Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/donate/511302770316861

Use Bank Transfer to the account: Community House (Eton Road), Sort Code: 089299, Account Number: 65517237. Email finance@etonrdch.org to confirm your payment

Send a cheque payable to “Community House (Eton Road)” to Community House, Eton Road, Newport NP19 0BL with your name & contact details on the back.

Give cash by contacting Ingrid on 07976 267367 or emailing CHER@ideasuk.co.uk to arrange a meeting time so you can be given a receipt.

Whatever way you choose, please make sure we know:

Your name and a contact

If you want to register for Gift Aid (which will mean the Government will give us an extra 25%) - ask us for a Gift Aid form here!